Update on project and working on demo version of project

We (yes its we now as there are now multiple people working on this project) are currently working on creating an in depth and fleshed out system and list of events for the region of Tveland.
  It will have d66 events for southern Tveland. d66 for the sarkash region, d20 events for sarkash swamps and d20 events for graven tosk. Oh did I forget to mention each event will have d4 sub event variants? That's a functional amount of 448 events just for Tveland.
We also plan to build an in depth system for using a corpse cart to add and haul monster parts and how much it could carry.
Other notable things planned are

  • A entirely different event list for combat encounters.
  • A dungeon adventure.
  • Custom tiles.
  • Tables for assisting in village making.
  • A bestiary of all the new monsters we have created for events.

I can't wait to share more with you all once we are done! Everyone involved is very excited to work on this project!

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